
Reno: 775.327.4200 | Address: 1610 Montclair Ave, Suite B, Reno, NV 89509 | Mailing Address: 75 McCabe Drive #19876, Reno, NV 89511  

CC Media Partners with the 2016 USBC Open Championships

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We are excited to announce that we are representing the 2016 USBC Open Championships in Reno.

The USBC Open Championships is widely recognized as the largest participatory sporting event in the world. Consisting of team, doubles, singles and optional all-events competition, the Open Championships is held in an arena or convention center setting each year.

Event Information:
– The largest amateur sporting event in the world
– $5 million in prize money
– 120-day tournament held March 5 – July 10, 2016
– Held at the National Bowling Stadium, Reno, Nevada.
– 35,000 participants projected and guests from all 50 states (about 70,000 total attendees)
– Over 30,000 projected room nights booked through USBC Travel
– Approximately 350 new bowlers arriving each day
– Bowlers stay an average of 3.8 days

If you have any questions or if you are interested in advertising please contact David Rider in the CC Media Reno Office.

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