Reno: 775.327.4200 | Address: 1610 Montclair Ave, Suite B, Reno, NV 89509 | Mailing Address: 75 McCabe Drive #19876, Reno, NV 89511  

CCMedia Named Best Marketing & Advertising Agency In Reno For Two Years Running

(Reno, Nev.) – Community members recently voted CCMedia “Best Marketing & Advertising Agency” in Reno, for the second year in a row. The Best of Reno Awards, hosted through the Reno Gazette Journal, serve as the “Official Community Choice Awards”. Winners of each category go through a nomination process and are then selected through an annual […]

Marketing Campaigns to Find the Best Employees

 Have You Ever Built a Marketing Campaign to Find the Best Employees? Top-tier talent is getting harder to connect with every day. The best candidates aren’t responding to traditional tactics and you need to be more proactive to connect with them. With creative messaging and the right placement, you can target top-tier talent looking for a new opportunity. […]

How To Create a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy For Your Industry

Reno Based Digital Marketing Company

A powerful digital marketing strategy will connect you with your target audience and draw them to your products or services. Data shows industry-specific digital marketing drives the best results. But how do you create a winning digital marketing strategy for your industry? Your goal is to set yourself up as the leading choice in your space with the answers and solution that your potential customers are looking for.

Google Still Dominates the World Search Ad Market

By eMarketer | July 26, 2016 | This year, Google will generate $57.80 billion in total digital ad revenue worldwide, an increase of 9.0% over last year. As Alphabet looks toward reporting quarterly results this week, Google’s ad revenues represent 30.9% of the total worldwide digital ad market. Google will remain the dominant player in worldwide […]

Get With The Programmatic: A Primer On Programmatic Advertising

Reno Based Digital Marketing Company

By Or Shani on August 22, 2014 | Chances are you’ve heard the buzz surrounding programmatic advertising and how it is projected to account for 50% of digital ad sales by 2018. Maybe you’ve even tried it for a recent campaign because you read that it is the future of advertising. While some marketers are quickly […]

Marketers react to end of free social

By Christopher Heine | March 24, 2016 | Insagram last week unveiled its updated algorithm, which will reorder the images and videos users see in their news feeds based on their interests instead of how the posts were published chronologically. The development followed a similar move by Twitter six weeks ago to reorder users’ time lines—if they opt in—based […]

eMarketer Lowers Growth Outlook for Twitter

By eMarketer Staff | March 17, 2016 | Despite Twitter’s efforts to get more people to use the platform through features like Moments, user growth seems to have come to a near standstill. As a result, in its latest ad spending and usage forecasts, eMarketer has lowered its growth projections for Twitter’s ad revenues. This year, […]

Google speeds up mobile web, keeps ads

Published on October 07, 2015 on Google on Wednesday introduced a publishing platform designed to make news articles on smartphones load faster, which will compete with similar services from Facebook and Apple. Google’s new project, called the “Accelerated Mobile Pages Project,” is aimed at loading mobile web pages instantly instead of requiring consumers to […]