eMarketer Lowers Growth Outlook for Twitter

By eMarketer Staff | March 17, 2016 | http://www.emarketer.com/Article/eMarketer-Lowers-Growth-Outlook-Twitter/1013714 Despite Twitter’s efforts to get more people to use the platform through features like Moments, user growth seems to have come to a near standstill. As a result, in its latest ad spending and usage forecasts, eMarketer has lowered its growth projections for Twitter’s ad revenues. This year, […]
Political ads dominate 2016 TV

By Wayne Friedman | August 25, 2015 | http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/256907/political-tv-advertising-still-big-for-2016-but.html You can understand digital media’s optimism this political season. But the reality is that this and next year’s political advertising extravaganza will still be on TV. According to Borrell Associate, some $5.5 billion will be spent on national political TV advertising, with around $1.08 billion spent on political digital media. […]